Video API - Recording & Transcoding For Developers | Hippo Video

Plug-n-Play async Video APIs to make your platform video-ready

Get video API’s - From standalone video recording or video player API to a complete next-gen video SDK ready to embed in your platform

Experience Hippo Video SDK extensionless demo.

Step - 1
  • Record Video

  • Record Screen

  • Record Short Video

  • Record Audio

  • Upload Video

Step - 2
  • Analytics Report

Hippo Video API components for developers

Choose a video component that you need in the language that suits your development.

Click to expand and view sample code, documentation, and easy developer guides for each component used in our Video APIs

Recorder API

Import API

Reports API


Sandbox Environment


Recorder API

Record Widget

The Record Widget can be made use of to create Screen/Webcam/Mic recordings. Below is a simple implementation of the Recorder Widget.

// Refer to 'Getting Started' section to add the cdn links to the website

let initializeOptions = {

token: ,


const onVideoSdkInitialize = (success, error) => {


* error will be undefined in case of successfull initialization

* success will be undefined in case there is any error


if (success) {

let recorderWidgetConfig = {

record_config: {

screen: false,

webcam: true,

mic: true



HVRecorder.RecorderWidget.create(success.key, recorderWidgetConfig)

.then((recorder) => {

recorder.on("record_details", (data) => {'Recording Data : ', data);


recorder.on("video_submitted", (data) => {'Recording Submitted : ', data);



.catch((error) => {

//Error details if there is an error during widget creation



if (error) {


* Will contain the error details when there is an error in sdk initialization




HVRecorder.initialize(initializeOptions, onVideoSdkInitialize);

Import API

Import Widget

The Import Widget can used to import local video or audio file. Below is a simple implementation of the Import Widget.

// Refer to 'Getting Started' section to add the cdn links to the website

let initializeOptions = {

token: ,


const onVideoSdkInitialize = (success, error) => {


* error will be undefined in case of successfull initialization

* success will be undefined in case there is any error


if (success) {

let importWidgetConfig = {

show_video_title: true


HVRecorder.ImportWidget.create(success.key, importWidgetConfig)

.then((importer) => {

importer.on("import_complete", (data) => {'Import Data : ', data);


importer.on("video_submitted", (data) => {'Import Submitted : ', data);



.catch((error) => {

//Error details if there is an error during widget creation



if (error) {


* Will contain the error details when there is an error in sdk initialization




HVRecorder.initialize(initializeOptions, onVideoSdkInitialize);

Reports API

Reports API

For detailed documentation, refer this postman link.

This API provides two types of reports:

1. Reports for a video


  • email - email of the user
  • api_key - Api Key of the user
  • video_id - id of the video



"status": 200,

id": 988,

"total_plays": 13,

"total_page_loads": 15,

"unique_users": 10,

"avg_watch_rate": 85,

"actions": {

"no_of_actions": 111,

"annotations": 4,

"call_to_actions": 19,

"forms": 6,

"end_screens": 3,

"questions": 5,

"comments": 8,

"reactions": 63,

"replies": 3


"watch_rate": {

"0": 0,

"25": 3,


"75": 1,

"100": 5


"popular_region": "Houston, Texas",

"plays_in_popular_region": "1 plays from Houston, Texas"


  • id - Video ID
  • total_page_loads - Number of times the shared link is opened.
  • total_plays - Number of times the video has been played out of total page loads.
  • unique_users - Number of unique users that have played the video.
  • avg_watch_rate - The overall percentage (total duration watched / total plays * video duration)
  • actions - (annotation, CTA, lead generation forms, etc.)
  • no_of_actions - Total number of actions.
    • annotations - Number of clicks on annotations.
    • call_to_actions - Number of clicks on CTA.
    • forms - Number of clicks on lead generation forms.
    • end_screens - Number of clicks on playlist.
    • questions - Number of clicks on custom poll.
    • comments - Total number of comments on the video.
    • reactions - Total number of reactions on the video.
    • replies - Number of replies to the comments.

Viewer profile reports

a. Based on Video

This report offers all the details of a video such as the number of views, watch rate, viewer location, and the viewer's engagement on a particular video. To get the reports, you must call the link below.


  • email - email of the user
  • api_key - API Key of the user
  • user_email (optional) - mail id of the lead
  • video_id (optional) - id of the video

Note: You can either provide user_email or video_id. They are mutually exclusive. If you'd like to know how a particular video is performing, then enter video_id.



"status": 200,

"viewer_profile": [


"video_id": "988",

"email": '',

"viewer_name": 'Michael Clark',

"ip": "188.XXX.29.XXX",

"last_viewed_time": "31/12/2018 02:23 AM",

"location": "Sydney, Australia",

"device": "DESKTOP"

"os": Macintosh,

"browser": Chrome,

"referer_url": '<>',

"precentage_played": 95,

"views": 2



"load_more": false,

"page": 1,

"next_page": 2


b. Based on Lead’s Email

This report offers all the details for a particular lead’s email address such as the number of videos watched, watch rate, lead's location, and their engagement on the videos.


  • email - email of the user
  • api_key - API Key of the user
  • user_email (optional) - mail id of the lead

Note: This API is the same as the report based on the video, except the ‘user_email’ param should be passed instead of 'video_id.'



"status": 200,

"viewer_profile": [


"video_id": "999",

"email": "",

"viewer_name": "Joe Brown",

"ip": "188.XXX.29.XXX",

"last_viewed_time": "09/01/2019 12:27PM",

"location": " NA ",

"device": "DESKTOP",

"os": Macintosh,

"browser": "Chrome",

"referer_url": "",

"precentage_played": 36,

"views": 1



"video_id": "937",

"email": "",

"viewer_name": "Joe Brown",

"ip": "188.XXX.29.XXX",

"last_viewed_time": "19/10/2018 12:25PM",

"location": "Naples, ITALY",

"device": "DESKTOP",

"os": "Macintosh",

"browser": "Chrome",

"referer_url": " NA ",

"precentage_played": 100,

"views": 1



"load_more": false,

"page": 1,

"next_page": 2


  • video_id - ID of the video.
  • email - Email address of the lead.
  • viewer_name - Name of the lead.
  • ip - Masked IP of the lead.
  • last_viewed_time - Time at which the lead has watched the video.
  • location - Geographical location of the lead.
  • device - Device used by the lead to watch the video.
  • os - Operating system of the device in which the lead has watched the video.
  • browser - The browser in which the lead has watched the video.
  • referer_url - The address of the webpage where a person clicked a link that sent them to your video.
  • percentage_played - Percentage of video watched.
  • load_more - By default, the number of videos in an API call is 10. P.S: load_more is true if it has more results left.
  • page - The current page number.
  • next_page - The number of the next page.

The above responses are success cases. In case, any errors occur you’ll see an error response.



Webhook helps you to get notified as soon as someone takes a desired action on your platform. A Webhook enables an application to send automated messages or information to another application, whenever an event takes place, in real-time. Basically, a Webhook is a medium that enables apps to communicate with each other and share data.

Available events in Webhook

Any change that occurs on an application or a system is considered an event. Here are some default events that we provide:

1. Viewing Session

Find out who watched your video. When someone clicks on your video, we’ll notify you of the watch rate along with other user details (only if the viewer has logged in before watching your video).

Example Response:


"hook": {

"uuid": "fb9f6d19-921f-48c5-9a10-69c39e5fa13c"


"VideoPlayedSessions": {

"media": {

"videoId": 444076,

"thumbnail": "",

"name": "Pro edit full flow",

"shareUrl": "",

"embedUrl": "",

"duration": 171.689


"percentagePlayed": 100,

"email": ""


"metadata": {

"account_id": "24880"



2. Video Created

We notify you whenever someone creates a video on your platform.

Example Response:


"hook": {

"uuid": "598210b8-e373-48eb-ac3f-4b8f08fa8066"


"eventName": "VideoCreated",

"eventTimestamp": "1542032461018",

"VideoCreated": {

"media": {

"videoId": 834871,

"thumbnail": "",

"name": "Hey Ashley",

"shareUrl": "",

"embedUrl": "",

"duration": 13.76



"metadata": {

"account_id": "60753",

"created_by": ""



3. CTA

Get notified whenever your viewers click on a Call to Action (CTA) in your video.

Example Response:


"hook": {

"uuid": "ffc5bf89-16e8-428d-92e8-a94016b5e8f2"


"eventName": "VideoCTA",

"eventTimestamp": "1542191371256",

"VideoCTA": {

"media": {

"videoId": 809864,

"thumbnail": "",

"name": "A",

"shareUrl": "",

"embedUrl": "",

"duration": 146.912


"ctaUrl": "",

"email": ""


"metadata": {

"account_id": "60753"



4. CTA Lead Generation

Get notified with your lead's information. Whenever someone fills a form that you have embedded in your video, you’ll receive an instant notification, with their details. You can also choose to update your lead's information straight away into your CRM platform.

Example Response:


"hook": {

"uuid": "681dc0a4-1baa-497e-b9c4-674a66924f88"


"VideoLeadGenaration": {

"media": {

"videoId": 826784,

"thumbnail": "",

"name": "Sales demo",

"shareUrl": "",

"embedUrl": "",

"duration": 139.203


"firstName": "Varun",

"lastName": "Ch",

"email": "",

"phone": "2132121"


"metadata": {

"account_id": "24880"



5. CTA Annotation

Do you have an annotation that directs your viewers to your website? How do you track who clicked on your annotation? Don’t worry. We notify who’s clicking on your annotation along with the viewer’s information.

Example Response:


"hook": {

"uuid": "e72c91f5-9c7a-4419-bd1e-c1d3d17ae3ef"


"eventName": "VideoAnnotation",

"eventTimestamp": "1541759939981",

"payload": {

"VideoAnnotation": {

"videoId": 814440,

"thumbnail": "",

"name": "Hey, How are you?",

"shareUrl": "",

"embedUrl": "",


"annotationText": "Google",

"annotationUrl": "",

"annotationClickedTime": 0,

"email": ""


"metadata": {

"account_id": "60753"



Secret Key

On the other hand, anyone with your server URL can send you data. To verify the data source, we suggest you create a secret key of your choice. So that whenever you receive information from Hippo Video, you can verify whether the data is from us.

It works this way - Every time you receive data from our side, we also provide Hippo Video signature in the request. Using the signature, you can verify the data authenticity by checking it at your end. We’ll generate an HMAC hexdigest of the POST body, using the secret_key that you created, while configuring your webhook. The generated hexdigest will be shared with you along with the event data. If you have any questions, contact us at

Sandbox Environment


Events And Data

The following events are available which can be listened to with the on API of respective Widgets.

Available Events



























For more details refer New API documentation

record_initiatedWhen recording is initiated

preview_url: URL to preview video. (preview will be available at any point of time for the recorded user. For others, it will be the same as ‘recorded_url’

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recorded_url: Video delivery URL. URL to share/mail/message others.

embed_url: Similar to recorded_url. Optimized for embedding as an iframe in a website.

thumbnail_url: Thumbnail URL of the video.

thumbnail_play_url: Similar to ‘thumbnail_url’, except the play icon is displayed at the center

token: Video token for the recorded video.

asset_id: Hippo internal recording identifier.

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record_startedWhen recording is started.
(After user accept the permissions, etc.)
record_pausedWhen user pauses the recording -
record_resumedWhen user pauses the recording -
record_stoppedWhen user stops the recording -
record_abortedSame as ‘video_cancelled’. Additionally, this event will also be triggered when a user aborts the recording while recording itself(future) -
record_errorWhen there is some issue with recording

reason: Contains the error subtype. Will be one of the following,

  • NOTHING_RECORDED - When the user finished recording too soon, or before any data is available from the recording devices.
  • WEBCAM_PERMISSION_DENIED - When the user denies permission to record webcam
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  • SCREEN_PERMISSION_DENIED - When the user denies permission to record screen
  • TAB_CANNOT_BE_RECORDED - Certain tabs like chrome tabs (chrome://), cannot be recorded. This state is sent when the user tries to do so
  • CHROME_NOT_SUPPORTED - When the user tries to record in an old version of chrome which does not support screen recording.
  • CREATE_VIDEO_REQUEST_FAILED - This could be due to network issues when the request for creating a video from the client to the Hippo Video server fails.
  • PREPROCESS_FAILED - When Hippo Video is not able to preprocess the video.
  • PREPROCESS_REQUEST_FAILED - This could be due to network issues when the request for preprocessing the video from the client to the Hippo Video server fails.
  • NETWORK_ERROR - This occurs due to network issues.
  • NO_DATA_AVAILABLE - When no stream data is received from the user while screen recording.
  • error: detailed message for the error.
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video_cancelledWhen the user cancels submitting the recorded video -
video_submittedWhen the recorded video is submitted by the user
media_duration: duration of recorded/imported media in seconds.
import_progressWhen import is in progress
operation: “started”/“uploading”progress : percentage of file uploaded from client (when operation = “uploading”)
import_completeWhen import is successful

preview_url: URL to preview video. (preview will be available at any point of time for the recorded user. For others, it will be the same as ‘recorded_url’)

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share_url: video delivery URL. URL to share/mail/message others.

embed_url: same as recorded_url. optimized for embedding as an iframe in website.

thumbnail_url: thumbnail URL of the video.

thumbnail_play_url: same as ‘thumbnail_url’, but with play icon at the middle.

token: video token for the recorded video.

asset_id: Hippo internal recording identifier.

media_duration: duration of imported media in seconds.

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import_failedWhen import fails due to some error reason: reason for error
source_uploaded when the source media file(s) have been uploaded successfully to hippovideo servers.Once this event is triggered, it is guaranteed that there will be no data loss of the recorded or imported video. -

Integrating Video SDK in your Platform

How to embed video API

Get up and running with a few lines of code accessible for developers.

Check video on how-to embed developer friendly video APIs in your platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can we download the transcript?


    Yes, the transcript can be downloaded as SRT or VTT.

  • Is the protocol of adaptive bitrate?


    Hippo Video uses HLS for adaptive bitrate.

  • What are the flavors in which the video is transcoded?


    Videos are currently transcoded in,

    3 different resolutions - 1080p, 720p and 480p and

    2-bit rates in each of the above resolution

    This can be configured by our Customer.

  • Is the staging environment meant only for the developers to test new features?


    Yes, the staging environment will be for developer testing only.

  • Is there an option for adding different logos and colors?


    Yes, we have options to choose color and set primary colors also. The Logo can be changed.

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